Article image 2CCC892006R0845

ABB 2CCC892006R0845



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The DS800 series residual circuit breaker with overcurrent protection (RCBO) is available as 2P, 3P and 4P device. It is for protection of end user against overload and short-circuit currents. The DS800 range offers several types of protection. Type A (pulse current sensitive residucal current protection device), type AC (alternating current sensitive residucal current protection devcie), type AS (pulse current sensitive residual current protection device - selective) and tpye A-AP-R (pulse current sensitive residual current protection devcie - short-time delay).

Parametry logistyczne

Kraj pochodzenia: CH
Waga: 0,79 kg
Długość: 0,0823 m
Szerokość: 0,1335 m
Wysokość: 0,1082 m